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Holistic Massage


uses mainly Swedish massage techniques to treat the whole body i.e. Body, mind and spirit for complete wellbeing.

Whether it is the stress of everyday life, muscle tightness, knots or strains, trouble sleeping or any other muscular problems massage could help.

Hot Stone Massage


Hot basalt stones are used to massage and are more effective than conventional massage due to localised heat.

It promotes relaxation & detoxification, improves lymphatic flow, circulation and joint mobility. It opens chakras (energy points).



It is used for healing physical, emotional and mental problems as well as to promote relaxation and relieve stress.

Treatment is a very simple process. The recipient simply lies on a couch and relaxes. It can also be given in the sitting position. The whole person is treated rather than specific symptoms.

Hot Stone Massage


Hot basalt stones are used to massage and are more effective than conventional massage due to localised heat.

It promotes relaxation & detoxification, improves lymphatic flow, circulation and joint mobility. It opens chakras (energy points).