Reiki Healing

Reiki is a method of healing that was re-discovered in the early 1900’s by a Japanese man called Dr Mikao Usui.

It is best described as “spiritually guided Ki or life force energy”.  This can be defined by breaking down the word into “Rei” which means universal higher power, spiritual guidance or God force.  “Ki” means vital or life force energy.  Those who are attuned to Reiki are able to act as channels for this healing energy to pass to others.

Reiki is used in healing physical, emotional, mental and spiritual problems as well as to promote relaxation and relieve stress.  It can also be used for manifesting goals, changing unwanted habits and in strengthening prayers and meditations.

Reiki sessions are non-intrusive and can be beneficial in combination with other therapies.  People have described treatments as deeply relaxing and creating a sense of calm and balance.  I have experienced many powerful healings with Reiki from mending broken bones and improving mobility to bringing pain relief and peace to the terminally ill.

I feel Reiki is a valuable tool and when integrated into your life can have powerful effects on you and those around you.

Benefits of Reiki:

  • Reiki is a simple non-intrusive process which can be given fully clothed.
  • Destruction of energy blockages.
  • Deep relaxation.
  • Relieves stress and anxiety.
  • Detoxification of the body system.
  • Promotes physical and emotional balance.
  • Can bring inner peace and harmony.
  • Whole body treated not just specific symptoms.